Initiative Summary
"Community of practice” (CoP) is defined as “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” In alignment with regional implementation of the HIV Stigma Index study across the country, the CoP is used as a tool to communicate, highlight and discover existing and emerging stigma-related activities that are both internal and external to regional research networks. CoP members listen and learn from each other in an open, thoughtful and experimental environment through online meetings, discussions and presentations.
Initiative Objectives and Goals
The CoP construct contains multiple goals and objectives in this implementation. 1. Raise awareness of the adverse impacts of stigma and discrimination by supporting initiatives that promote inclusion and respect, and by sharing information, resources, strategies and tools. 2. Provide learning, education and evaluation of the CoP activities. 3. Equip our partners with skills to provide culturally responsive services in safe environments by building capacity in research, knowledge transfer exchange (KTE), and community work related to HIV-related stigma, and by addressing the needs and aspirations of the CoP members in targeted sessions focused on emerging themes/activities.
The Role of this Initiative to End the HIV Epidemic
Building a national CoP with people across regions and sectors, who are empowered to engage in anti-HIV stigma work, is pivotal reduce stigma and improve the health and wellbeing of people living with and affected by HIV.
Meaningful Engagement with People with Lived Experience
Members of the CoP include people living with and affected by HIV, REACH and CBR networks, members of the National Stigma Index Committee, researchers, community-based organizations, clinicians and policy makers.They are encouraged and empowered to engage in dialogue on matters of interest and concern to them in a collaborative community-based forum.
A REACH Funded Initiative
Initiative Leads
REACH, MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Universities Without Walls
Key performance indicators
Primary target audience
Those who work to reduce HIV stigma, and those impacted by HIV stigma
Start Date
Strategic marketing and support tactics
Website, Social networks, Webinar/Seminar, Event marketing, and Team-based, collaborative project management tools
In the 2019-2020 fiscal period, Ontario implemented eight CoP sessions for an average of thirty persons per session. Each session presented updates from across the country and had national and international speakers (non-profit, academics) on subject matters related to HIV Stigma. To measure learning results within the CoP, a test instrument will be adapted from Brocklehurst & Rowe (2003) and individual learners will rate themselves on a scale that ranges from “Novice” to “Expert” (a 5-point Likert scale). The tool will measure the learning in a number of stigma related areas. Additionally, an evaluation framework will also be developed for the larger CoP network.
In the 2019-2020 fiscal period, Ontario implemented eight CoP sessions for an average of thirty persons per session. Each session presented updates from across the country and had national and international speakers (non-profit, academics) on subject matters related to HIV Stigma. To measure learning results within the CoP, a test instrument will be adapted from Brocklehurst & Rowe (2003) and individual learners will rate themselves on a scale that ranges from “Novice” to “Expert” (a 5-point Likert scale). The tool will measure the learning in a number of stigma related areas. Additionally, an evaluation framework will also be developed for the larger CoP network.