Impact in action: a Canada-wide lab for resilience and resolve

We are a collective of clinicians, researchers, health administrators, knowledge translation experts, volunteers and system leaders. Check out our work below to see what happens when a dedicated group of experts show resolve to end Canada’s HIV epidemic by implementing and scaling their work.

British Columbia & Yukon
Supporting People Living with HIV

British Columbia & Yukon
Building Capacity & Supporting CBR

British Columbia & Yukon
Building Capacity & Supporting CBR

Atlantic Canada
Prevention and PrEP

Ontario & Nunavut
Bringing New POC & Self-Tests for HIV, HCV and STIs to Market

Linking Testing to Care

Prevention and PrEP

British Columbia & Yukon
Prevention and PrEP

British Columbia & Yukon
Bringing New POC & Self-Tests for HIV, HCV and STIs to Market

Ontario & Nunavut
Overcoming Stigma

Atlantic Canada
Prevention and PrEP