Initiative Summary
The Atlantic Blended Leadership Committee (ABLC) is a committee of up to 25 people from across the Atlantic region and is the primary way through which AIRN works with a key set of stakeholders in the region. The role of this committee is to advise, support and set priorities in an effort to address community identified research needs specific to HIV/AIDs, HCV and related sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs).
Initiative Objectives and Goals
The ABLC sets strategic priorities and directions for AIRN and provides direction regarding the scope and management of the AIRN network. It also provides strategic direction for defining the research agenda and community-based research (CBR) priorities based on knowledge of emerging trends, current research, and new developments in the region and nationally. The ABLC continues to monitor and revise agenda and priorities as needed; enhances the research agenda and CBR priorities by providing input into the development and dissemination of initiatives; supports and oversees the activities of the network; enhances partnerships and promotes networking among stakeholders; enhances knowledge uptake and utilization of research findings into policy, programs, practice, and further research; and facilitates the identification of and response to capacity building, training, partnership development, and research development needs within the Atlantic Region.
The Role of this Initiative to End the HIV Epidemic
By collaborating with key stakeholders across government, NGO, and academic sectors, ABLC supports efforts to create sustainable, effective interventions in the Atlantic Region that are developed by and for the unique regions, communities, and individuals who continue to be disproportionately impacted by HIV, HCV, and STBBIs across the region.
Meaningful Engagement with People with Lived Experience
The involvement of persons living with HIV (PLHIV), as well as the community agencies and partners who serve them is central and mandated in the Terms of Reference under which the ABLE operates and maintains membership.
Atlantic Region
A REACH Funded Initiative
Initiative Leads
Key performance indicators
Primary target audience
Stakeholders in HIV/AIDs, HCV and related sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) across the Atlantic Region
Start Date
Strategic marketing and support tactics
Social networks, email campaign and webinar/seminar(s).
Since its creation, the ABLC membership body has successfully received funding for over twenty affiliated research projects throughout Atlantic Canada. The membership has also hosted workshops for PLHIV and the agencies (government and public) who support them, and has supported key knowledge transfer and exchange activities for research and community-based studies and initiatives across membership.
Since its creation, the ABLC membership body has successfully received funding for over twenty affiliated research projects throughout Atlantic Canada. The membership has also hosted workshops for PLHIV and the agencies (government and public) who support them, and has supported key knowledge transfer and exchange activities for research and community-based studies and initiatives across membership.