Initiative Summary
Positive Living, Positive Homes (PLPH) is a community-based research project in British Columbia born out of the community’s identification of housing as a critical health determinant for people living with, or at risk of, HIV and AIDS. While community-based organizations recognize housing is an important issue for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and those most “at risk,” housing for PLHIV and those at-risk is not systematically addressed in policies and programs.
Initiative Objectives and Goals
This initiative had multiple goals and objectives, including to: investigate PLHIV experiences of housing and health over time, exploring the personal, social and structural factors that influence health and well-being; examine how housing and HIV programs, services and policies have influenced access to housing and interacted with housing experiences to influence health and well-being; document the successes and challenges of various housing-related policies; and to identify best practices for HIV and housing programs, services and policies so they may better meet the needs of PLHIV. The initiative also sought to mobilize research findings on HIV and housing in BC into actionable policy recommendations to improve community-based organizations’ ability to deliver programs and services.
Meaningful Engagement with People with Lived Experience
A multi-stakeholder investigative team was formed of people living with HIV (PLHIV), HIV service organizations, researchers, related community-based organizations, and representatives from our government partner organizations such as BC Housing and various health authorities.
British Columbia & Yukon Region
A REACH Collaboration
Initiative Leads
Pacific AIDS Network, University of Victoria
Key performance indicators
Primary target audience
People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)
Secondary target audience
Policy makers
Start Date
The HIV Housing Toolkit grew out of the Positive Living, Positive Homes study and is an action to support housing and health for people living with HIV. This multi-module virtual toolkit provides information about accessing and maintaining housing in BC for people living with HIV. The toolkit is intended to support people living with HIV by providing information about navigating BC’s housing system, while supporting service providers that work with people living with HIV in helping their clients access and maintain housing. There are currently nine modules to support learning and capacity-building. Many modules include ancillary printable resources to support learning. Some example topics from the HIV Housing Toolkit include considerations around moving, making decisions about what housing is right for you, and tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities.