Cultivating innovation,
collaboration and results
from coast to coast

We are a national network of changemakers, including HIV/AIDS researchers, people living with HIV, community-based organizations, clinicians and policymakers. REACH Nexus is structured around seven regional core teams that stretch from coast to coast. Each team has community and academic leads and determines its own regional research priorities. Our national leadership supports these teams, identifies opportunities for cross-regional initiatives and facilitates collaboration across teams on shared goals.



The Manitoba HIV-STBBI Collective Impact Network was established in 2016. We work to break down silos between researchers, community-based organizations, health providers, practitioners, policymakers, First Nations organizations and Communities and others. We work on understanding systems gaps and barriers and bringing diverse stakeholders together to develop innovative community-based culturally responsive solutions.

We advance key goals to increase HIV/STBBI testing, improve linkage to care and decrease the incidence of HIV/STBBI and ensuring that those who live with HIV, live well by tackling the complex system related issues.

Our Five Key Focal Activity Areas Include:

1. Advancing innovative testing approaches and technologies in Manitoba

2. Implementing and evaluating the collective impact network as a means to achieve impact

3. Understanding and tackling stigma through research, evaluation and action

4. Supporting community innovation through research, evaluation and action

5. Establishing collaborations with Indigenous leaders and programs to tackle complex system issues through research, evaluation and action.


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